Inexcusably Selfish

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Web 2.0 graphics

(Alternate: You do not know shit.)

Sometimes I'm stunned at how stupid some people are.

I'm not really stunned, I've seen it happen a million times. But every now and again there is one who stands out... A lot.

A while back we started working an a website for some big shot company.

They had a list of demands and images stolen from other websites to show us what they wanted.

I know that it is better to steal something good then to come up with something ridiculous, but give me a break. At least have some creativity.

We did a few designs and the programming behind the site was almost done. Actually almost everything was done. But now they suddenly didn't like the site anymore.

So they came with this...

Client: We want something different for the site.
Client: Like a few more options and a totally new design.
Tommy: But that will take a lot of time and the designs have been ready for 8 weeks now.
Client: Yeah, but we changed our minds.


Client: We want the site to look more Web 2.0.

Did I read that right? He wants the site to look web 2.0?

Probably a lot of you know that Web 2.0 is a technical thing. There is nothing from an graphical perspective that means a site is Web 2.0.

So don't be stupid, look things up before you use words that you just heard from some geek's nephew.

Tommy: So tell me, what do you mean with a Web 2.0 page?
Client: The site needs to look more like a Web 2.0 page.
Tommy: Are you an idiot?

I so love saying that.

Tommy: You don't even know what a Web 2.0 page is, do you?

Client: Who do you think you are? You bastard. Off course I know.
Tommy: Then at all means, correct me.
Client: Well euhm, pictures with a nice glow in it and a lot of white spaces in the site.


Tommy: So you really are a retard. I thought there was a chance for you, but now...
Client: You bastard, you know I'm right.
Tommy: Sir, this is Web 2.0:

A few minutes pass

Client: Oh, well... it looks like you where right...
Tommy: "Looks like you are right"
Tommy: I still am.

Of course I was right you idiot.

People should learn to trust the people the hire to do a job.

Saves me a lot of trouble.

Now, where was that Whiskey...


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