Inexcusably Selfish

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I got a present for you

(Alternate: Early Christmas)

Today is a big day for the world.

No it's not Christmas. Damn,that isn't for another month.

It's that I'm back.

Yes, you can all jump in the air with joy. Though if you really want to celebrate you can get some Whiskey and send it to me. Better yet, send me money and I'll get the Whiskey myself.


It'll probably take a few days to work out an update schedule, but I'll post whenever I think of a nice story. Should be a few each week.

Another great treat is that I have a new job. I do all kinds of shit. And it's a great place to work. Because the phones and internet is connected to the alarm system it takes one hour for everything to work. So the first hour of the day is composed of Quake and Final Fantasy XI.

To be honest, the same goes for the last hour of the day. No one likes to work, so working 6 hours instead of 8, makes me less pissed. Though the lost time, spend drinking, changes that a lot...


One of the things the company does now is hosting websites. (We do other things as well, but that will be for a different day.)

*ring ring*

The phone rings.

Tommy: Make it fast, I'm in a party hunting for my Dragoon AF1. Customer: Your what? Tommy: My Dragoon. Customer: What the hell is that?!


Tommy: Dragoon: "Masters of the lance, dragoons can command creatures known as Wyverns. They are well renowned for their ability to leap great heights. Dragoons can..." Customer: You are playing a game? Tommy: Yeah, there are no Dragoons in real life sir. Customer: Damn, just help me with my problem. Customer: ... Help me out. Tommy: %$@#! now the other group pulled him. You bastard.


Yeah, I hung up on the bastard. He is retarded for not knowing how Important my AF1 is. A Lance like that isn't available at some grocery store.

*ring ring*

That damn phone again.

Customer: How can you do that, I'm a customer and you should treat me with respect. I pay a lot of money each year and I expect a good host for my website!
Tommy: Sir, you only pay 50,- euro's a year. That isn't that much.
Customer: But...
Tommy: You know what, I'll cancel your hosting plan so you won't have trouble with us again.
Customer: You can't...


Ain't I nice.

You all know you shouldn't piss me off when I'm playing my games or drinking my Whiskey.

That's just rude.


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