Inexcusably Selfish

Monday, January 08, 2007

Gone with the wind

(Alternate: Personal problems)

Sorry, but I haven't been able to write a story.

There have been some personal problems with death in the family. My Grandpa died. They gave him morphine to stop and end the pain. He had heart attacks and lung cancer. He had a twin brother who died almost 39 years ago.

My Grandpa always said he would die at twice the age of his brother. When they told him he had cancer and it was obvious he wasn't gonna make it to that age he counted again, with a new system, and said he would die on the 2nd of January.

He did.

We spend a lot of time with him the days before everything happened. So thats why I wasn't been able to write a story. I'll try and write a new one later this day.

Maybe some delayed x-mas story.

Who knows.


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