Inexcusably Selfish

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bad day

(Alternate: I should have stayed sick.)

The last 2 days I was as sick as humanly possible. The only people more sick then me where the retards that where calling me today.

The moment you wake up, no mater how good you feel, you will know the day will suck from the moment you walk out of the door.

Like a paper boy who decides to bring a newspaper the second you walk out of your house.

Or the hundreds of people who start a traffic jam.

They all do that just to piss me off.

I bet they call each other in the morning and say something like:

Bastard1: I heard that guy is going to work, lets bother him.
Bastard152: Yeah lets do that, whooot!
Bastard67: He won't see this comming.

That good thing is I finaly got to work and to my whiskey bottle.

The thing is, for the first time a good feeling went over me. I looked at the list and I saw only 5 e-mails and no calls waiting.

Tho there still was a little voice inside my head that warned me of things to come. But I decided to ignore him and started with my 3rd shot of the day.

Then the boss walked in and he looked pissed. I mean really pised. I have seen tomato's less red then he was.

It turned out that every mail for the last week turned up in a wrong inbox because some idiot in administration fucked up the system.

And I thought we where working so hard.

The list for pending mails was now: 5303.

Mental note: Never ignore the voice again and stay home sick.

This list will take more then a week to finish.

Damn bastards.


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