Inexcusably Selfish

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The new thing: Telephone... (part2)

(alternate: How to let a newbie do my job, well sort of.)

As you all know, we started with telephone services a while back. The things is that this always makes for a shit load of "problems".

Well today the boss walked in to tell us something...

Boss: Guys, we have good news. Today we go live with Telephone.

Well I can tell you loads of things but this isn't good news. This really is bad news. Oh it's good news for the boss, because he can get more money from customers, but bad news for us because we will have even more idiots calling us to complain and tell us how we should do our job.

Tommy: So how many new guys will we be hiring?
Boss: We got 24 new guys and one will be assigned to each of you.
Tommy: Thats nice, really. But why give them to the back office?
Boss: Well this way they will know more because you are so good teachers.

Damn, he knows telling me I'm good is my only weakness... Damn you!

Well this doesn't have to be all that bad. I can now make someone to be excactly like me. My own little mini me.

So a group of guy's and one girl walk in and everyone wants to pick the girl. Not me, I have a girlfriend and the last time I picked the girl there was no sex for 3 months and I so like the sex.

Well I picked the guy who looked most pissed of because he was going to do a job he didn't want to do anyway and I started to work on him.

LilSteve: Hi I'm... Steve.
Tommy: Hi. Now sit down and follow me.
LilSteve: Ok. What do I need to do?
Tommy: Let's do it different. The phone will ring and you pick it up and do what you think you should do.

*ring ring*

Steve pickes up te phone and does everything by the book. It's like he read the book allready.

But the thing is. I noticed a little smirk on his face. Like he thought of something he wanted to do and was enjoying it in his mind.

So to push it a little I decide to see what he was made of.

Tommy: Looks like you where enjoying yourself there.
Tommy: What did your sick mind wanted to do to the customer?
LilSteve: Nothing, it was nothing.
Tommy: Offcourse there was. You wanted to call the customer retarded didn't you?
LilSteve: No... offcourse not... I... wouldn't.
Tommy: Well you where right if you did.
Tommy: He was being a real retard.

Here it comes.

LilSteve: Well yeah he was being and idiot.

They always do. The things is now he actually has to say it to the customer.

Tommy: Well next time handle it like how you would want to.
LilSteve: Ok I will. Should be fun.


Tommy: Bad LilSteve. We are here to help people. Not to have fun.

The guy acros from me starts laughing.

*ring ring*

Now pick up the phone and show me your creative side.

LilSteve: Hi there idiot, what can I do for you.
Customer: What? You bastard...

I steal the phone from LilSteve and hit him with it.

Tommy: Sorry Sir, Just a min while I deal with the guy who just picked up the phone.
Customer: You better, that baste...

*on hold*

LilSteve: Why did you hit me?
Tommy: You called him an idiot while picking up. Are you retarded?
LilSteve: But you said...
Tommy: You really are slow aren't you?
Tommy: I'll do it. Just watch.

So I pick up the phone and show him how it is done.

Tommy: Sir, I'm sorry you where treated like that. What seems to be the problem?
Customer: Well I called because I have problems with my phone connection.
Tommy: Can you tell me what those problems are?
Customer: I can't call people and now...
Tommy: Let me guess, you want your money back.
Customer: Yeah I do.
Tommy: How long do you have this problem sir?

Customer: For more then 4 months now.
Tommy: Have you been drinking paint when you where a child?
Customer: WHAT! How dare...
Tommy: Sir, we only started with providing this service one month ago.
Tommy: I think you have been calling the wrong company.
Customer: But that can't be I am...
Tommy: Yes, you are retarded sir. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Some people just are.
Customer: You can't treat me like that I'm a customer and I will end all services I have with you.
Tommy: You aren't our customer sir. You called the wrong number.
Tommy: So goodbye.
Customer: But I...


Looks like he was an Idiot. Still thats not how you pick up the phone... Unless you are drunk and really don't give a damn. I have some morrals you know.

LilSteve: So I was right? He was an idio...


LilSteve is a sleep right now, maybe he will learn tomorrow.

I hate teaching people.


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