Inexcusably Selfish

Friday, December 15, 2006

The new thing: Telephone... (part1)

(alternate: ...and your death because of it.)

No I'm not going to kill anyone. Yet. But there is this thing that is making me want to.

Our company decided to not only give TV and Internet, but also Telephone. Even though it isn't a bad thing they had to try it. They wanted customers to try it out. This means more work for me... and I hate to work. I prefer drinking.

On an unrelated note: I bought a new bottle of whiskey... Good times.

The problem with a company having a new service and testing it out is that loads of morrons don't understand it is in a testing fase. It even says so in the new ToS you have to sign.

It states that if there are any problems with the connection we are not responsible for the time you are "offline" because it is still in a testing fase. That's why you only pay like 10% of what the normal charges would be.

The bad thing is that customers, after they sign, don't agree when they don't have a connection for 1 hour and want to call me.

The good thing about them having this telephone connection is that they can't call me. Mwuhahaha.

Wait, what are you doing?

Don't pick up that mobile!


*ring ring*


Tommy: Customers service. How can I help you get smarter?
Customer: Hi... what do you mean?
Tommy: Well you are calling for help right? I'm here to inlighten you.
Customer: Well the thing is...
Tommy: Let me gues. Your phone connection is offline?
Customer: Yes, how did you know?

How can I know. It's only been the 50th customer complaining about this. Oh and 2 had a wrong number. After waiting for more then 20 minutes. Idiots.

I think awnsering the phone in Dutch didn't help them a lot either.

Tommy: Only a guess Sir.
Customer: Well I want you to fix it.
Tommy: We are still working on it.
Tommy: The connection should be back in a day or two.
Customer: That is stupid. I need this phone. My wife is sick and I need to be able to call family or a hospital if something happens.

What idiot would join a trial for telephone while their partner is sick. You know there can be loads of times where you won't have a connection. Thats why you pay almost nothing at all.

Why do you people never read the ToS?

Tommy: Sir, one question. Is your IQ below 60?
Customer: Are you calling me retarded?
Tommy: No Sir. I'm only implying you are.
Customer: You can't treat me like that!
Tommy: Why not Sir? Who would join a trail for telephone if their wife is sick?
Customer: I don't get your point.
Tommy: How can you not get this?
Tommy: Where you droped on the head as a child?
Tommy: I bet you where.
Customer: You bastard! You can't treat me like that!
Customer: Connect me to your manager.
Customer: I will get you fired!
Tommy: You sure you want that? He is rather bussy, and you being retarded won't help.
Customer: Connect me NOW!
Tommy: As you wish Sir.


Hope he enjoys the music, as my mannager is still on his holday.
Should be entertaining.

When you try something new and it is still in beta or trail. Read the ToS.

Is it really that hard?

Damn, need a new bottlle.


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