Inexcusably Selfish

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bad things that end good for me

(Alternate: Today I discovered I'm not what you would call a workaholic.)

When I work, I watch movies, play some games, write some stories and of course drink some whiskey.

It was an early morning when the alarm went off.

After about an extra hour of sleep I decided to go to work. I go to my car and drive all the way to work. Then there is a nice traffic jam. I stop and about 20 seconds later some horrible looking bitch decides to park her car in the back of mine.

So I walk out of my car, leaving it in the middle of the freeway and walk over to her car.

Gremlin: I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you.
Tommy: What?! You didn't see a car in front of you that was about 15 meters away?
Tommy: Did you have make-up in your eye's of something?
Gremlin: What?
Tommy: Well I know I should, because that would be less painfull then what I'm doing now.
Gremlin: I don't understand, what do you mean?
Tommy: Looking at you, hurts my eyes.
Tommy: Was that so hard to understand?
Gremlin: How dare you!


Gremlin: I'll call the cops on you, they will sort you out!
Tommy: That should be good. They can figure out how much money you will have to give me.
Gremlin: Well I'm not insured so it's your problem.

Why are people so stupid? They hit me because they where functionally retarded and aren't insured and then they want to call the cops. Why? How retarded can you be. The thing is, people seem to show me more and more by the day.

20 minutes later the cops arrive and 5 minutes later I wave goodbye to the Gremlin.

About 10 minutes later I arrived at work. I tell my story and sit down behind my desk. I plug in my iPod and load some of it's content on my PC. My self made .exe runs and installs the video player I need, runs it and loads the new files. Now I'm ready to start working.

A new episode of House MD starts. I really like that show. Would be great to act like a bastard like that in public and open to everyone. The episode finished and I answer a call from a customer.

Tommy: Stop following me.
Customer: What?
Tommy: Sorry was watching House MD. great show. Hugh Laurie rocks.
Customer: Can you help me with my problem?
Tommy: Sure. The show starts Tuesdays at 9/8c.
Customer: No! I mean with my connection.
Tommy: sorry have to go, next show starts. Scrubs.
Tommy: They are doing a tribute to House MD. See ya.

Customer: Wait! Don't hang up on m...


At that moment a co worker walks in.

Barbie: Should you even be working after an accident?
Tommy: I have a major headache, but these things need to be done.
Barbie: Nonsense, you should go home and see a doctor!
Tommy: But this needs to be done.
Barbie: I'll take care of those. You need rest.
Tommy: If you say so.
Barbie: I'll take you home as well, you shouldn't drive.

Tommy: Oke, I'll grab my coat.

I like it when I have to go home and rest. But instead of "rest" read: "watch all the shows I've missed." Nonstop movie watching while the boss pays for it.

Good times.


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