Inexcusably Selfish

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Well hi there

(Alternate: One for the road, the long talking road.)

I know it has been a while.

I'm really sad about that, and I'm sorry...

Of course not, what the hell do I care what you think.

There are more important things then giving you the pleasure I grant with my stories. Things like whiskey, money, games oh and don't forget the sex. I so love the sex.

So, on with the storytelling.

Today I was enjoying my drinks once again. It was 09:00 in the morning and I felt it was a great time for a glass of Whiskey. Don't blame me, blame yourself. If everyone wasn't so retarded I wouldn't need to drink. I would, but I wouldn't need to.

After about 20 seconds the first customer of the day called.

Well he called 32 minutes ago and was on hold, but what do I care.

Tommy: Well hi there, what can I do for you?
Customer: Hi, I'm having trouble with my modem.
Tommy: Tell me what is wrong sir.

At this point I was pretty nice to the guy, but that was because he didn't start shouting from the start.

Customer: All the lights are on, except for the one saying: "Online"
Customer: I checked all the cables and everything is connected.

He told me everything, and I was amazed. This one wasn't retarded. I finally found one!

So I looked at the settings and everything looked alright. I even checked his bills to see if he didn't cheat on us. Well... he didn't.

Turned out there was a problem with the line. Somewhere in the street they where so smart to plant a big tree and cut the line so the whole block lost their connection.

Tommy: Sir, we'll send someone to fix it. Should be alright in about 3 days.
Customer: What 3 days? That's to much!
Tommy: The line is cut. It takes some time to fix it.
Customer: I don't care! It should be working within the hour!

We all know how this would continue.

Me calling him retarded, him not understanding me.

So there is no thing like smart people... well, accept for me that it.

You all know the basics. I killed his connection and gave him a pay debt. Oh well it's only about 25.000,00 euro.

I think it's time for all of you to die and let me repopulate the world together with Joss Stone, Julia Styles, and Nathalie Portman.


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