Inexcusably Selfish

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Say goodbye

(Alternate: This is the last day)

No. I'm not saying goodbye. Well I am, but not you all. It's to someone else.

About 3 weeks have gone by since my car accident and some people had to be funny about it and things needed to be set strait.

The person who was a basterd was non other then... LilSteve.

The thing is, I don't mind making fun of people. I've grown to enjoy it really. But when people make fun of me they are going down.

LilSteve was trying to hard to look like me so I needed to bring him down for that.

So I talked to the Boss and we came up with a solution. The next day, the following happend.


Like normal the phone rang and LilSteve picked it up.

LilSteve: Hi, what can I do for you?
LilSteve: Yeah, well you are a retard sir.
LilSteve: Well I can, and will.
LilSteve: Goodbye you looser.

Me and a different co worker look at each other and both...


It's like he was feeling like he had power over people. If only he knew.

Tommy: LilSteve, we need to talk.
LilSteve: Hey gimpy, what is it about?
Tommy: What? We need to talk about that later...
Tommy: Still, I think you are being to big. You should watch it.
Tommy: Before you know you will be fired.
LilSteve: Yeah like that will happen.
LilSteve: They will never fire me, I'm to good. Untouchable.

After that I really needed to get that arrogant punk.

The thing is, when the boss is around, he won't do things like that and he is care full. He is taught by the best... by me.

So there was a different plan needed because none of the other guys wanted to say anything.

After a few minutes I came up with a plan.

I started working again and acted like my usual self. I called people names and did the most creative things about people and cables in different holes.

Amazing what people try and do to get their connection to work.

Anyway, LilSteve did the same and didn't noticed I stopped as soon as he started.

I waited for about an hour and went for him.

Tommy: Well I hope you had fun.
LilSteve: What are you talking about? Where you hit in the head?


Damn bastard.

Tommy: Your last day of work.
Tommy: You can't treat the customers like that.
LilSteve: Of course I can. The boss will never find out.
Tommy: Oh he will.
LilSteve: What are you talking about you big bastard.
Tommy: I'll tell him about you.
Tommy: With this.

Thats when I showed him the memo recorder I started at the moment I stopped making fun of customers. All his conversations where on it. Good day.

Tommy: I'll show this to the boss and then you will be gone.
LilSteve: You damn bastard. I should hit you in the head.
LilSteve: Tho I bet it won't help much.


Well now LilSteve was hit in the head and is home sick for a couple of years. He should get some rest... Thats what my doctor said anyway.

The good thing in this is he will get fired the day he gets back.

Good thing I told him I didn't give the tape to the boss.

Goodbye my apprentice. The force was strong in you.